===================== Server-rendered views ===================== These are simple server-rendered Django views. Accounts -------- This mostly comes from ``django-registration`` and Django itself. @ ----------- This displays a basic user profile. Of note: we set the ``context_object_name`` attribute, because failing to do so would cause a collision between the template variable for the requesting user, and the template variable for the user being displayed. Me -- This just redirects to the profile page for the requesting user. Search ------ This accepts one query string variable: ``q``. The view creates a ``tsvector`` and ``tsquery`` to do a full-text search on all the aliases of *only the users who opt in to search*. Locations --------- This is the edit page for a user's list of ``InternetIdentity`` objects. This is awkward! We refer to them as "locations" in the frontend, for the most part, but the model is called ``InternetIdentity``. Welp. Aliases ------- This is the edit page for a user's list of Aliases, and where they can set their search opt-in. Follows ------- This is the list of users the user follows, or favstar'd. This needs better terminology. Followers --------- This is the list of users who follow the user, or favstar'd them. This needs better terminology. Static pages ------------ Terms of Service, About, and the root page are all simple ``TemplateView`` views.