Server-rendered views

These are simple server-rendered Django views.


This mostly comes from django-registration and Django itself.


This displays a basic user profile. Of note: we set the context_object_name attribute, because failing to do so would cause a collision between the template variable for the requesting user, and the template variable for the user being displayed.


This just redirects to the profile page for the requesting user.


This is the edit page for a user’s list of InternetIdentity objects. This is awkward! We refer to them as “locations” in the frontend, for the most part, but the model is called InternetIdentity. Welp.


This is the edit page for a user’s list of Aliases, and where they can set their search opt-in.


This is the list of users the user follows, or favstar’d. This needs better terminology.


This is the list of users who follow the user, or favstar’d them. This needs better terminology.

Static pages

Terms of Service, About, and the root page are all simple TemplateView views.